Debbie - Author
12/19/2023 22:06
Quick Reminder from The Insiders
Hello Insiders!
Thank you for being part of The Insiders' community. We are so happy you are here, and we appreciate your participation in our campaigns. Our brand partners value your feedback – it is critical to the success of their products now and in the future.
It's that time of year again, time to remind everyone about the importance of honesty in our campaigns. As an Insider, shoppers everywhere look to you for authentic product experiences and honest opinions. It is important to be transparent and always disclose that you are sharing your opinions as part of an Insider promotion. Here’s how it works:
Transparency in your reviews: Please disclose in your reviews that you are testing the product as part of an Insiders promotion by using these words ‘I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest opinion.’
Transparency in your social media posts: When sharing a video, photo, or post online, please be sure to use the specified campaign hashtag so your followers know you are sharing a behind the scenes look as an Insider.
We appreciate your continued participation and look forward to more exciting campaigns coming soon! If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at infousa@theinsidersnet.com
All the best,
The Insiders Team