Step into the enchanting world of anime and the kawaii culture with The Insiders’ Shibajuku Anime Dolls Campaign, featuring two Shibajuku Anime Fashion Dolls inspired by the vibrant and trendy Japanese fashion scene. Standing 13 inches tall, these dolls come with mix-and-match outfits and fully articulated joints for dynamic play, making them perfect for anime enthusiasts and young fashionistas alike. Watch your child’s imagination soar with Akira and Kiki then share your experience through photos, videos, and reviews - both in person and online. Click the button below to subscribe for your chance to join this exciting campaign!
Shibajuku Anime 13” Fashion Dolls – Akira and Kiki
Standing at an impressive 13 inches tall, these Shibajuku Anime 13” Fashion Dolls are a delightful fusion of Japanese culture and fashion, bringing the magic of anime right into your hands. Each doll is meticulously designed with beautiful sparkly eyes and long, fluttery lashes that capture their unique personalities. Both Akira and Kiki come with stylish, removable outfits and shoes, allowing for mix-and-match fun and creative fashion play. Each doll features a unique look: Akira’s hair is mint green, which contrasts with her black-and-white outfit and matching cat ears, while Kiki is wearing a yellow-and-black plaid sailor dress with black knee-high socks and wing-shaped clips in her long, black hair. Their fully articulated bodies mean they can strike any pose, adding to the fun and interactive play experience. Designed for kids aged 8 to 10, these dolls are not just toys but a gateway to a world of creativity and imagination.
Quick Facts:
If selected to participate, you must purchase one of the following products:
In addition, you will receive:
The Insiders’ Shibajuku Anime Dolls campaign is driven solely by your opinions and experiences, and in order to complete your Word of Mouth mission to the fullest, it’s important that you share them! Here’s how:
Step 1: Share your impressions
Engage on the blog and share your initial thoughts with other Insiders. Tell your friends and family about your experience and begin sharing it in your review on the My Review tab. Be sure your review follows our Insiders’ Code of Conduct which can be found on our website,
Step 2: Spread the word online
Sharing your stories, pictures, and videos will give others a behind the scenes look at your product experience.
Step 3: Take it viral
Take your experience viral on social media via Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Please include the campaign hashtag in your posts and give the world the exclusive Insiders scoop. #ShibajukuAnimeDollsInsiders
Step 4: Share your feedback in the End Survey
At the close of the campaign, you will be asked to complete a survey sharing your overall feedback. Your responses will help brands understand how you used their products, what you enjoyed, and what could be improved.
Limit one participant per household in the campaign. Offer valid only in the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Click HERE for complete campaign Terms and Conditions.